The shift has ended and the job is done! You have just input the hours for one of your workers and gave them a rating! All important measures to take every single day. But... This last step is one of the most important ones if you hope to keep the workers who fit in best coming back to work for you as often as possible!
Anytime during the job, or after... You can either 'Prefer' a worker or 'Ban' a worker. Preferring a worker will add this person to a unique pool of workers that you choose. They will see all of your job posts on the app first and have a chance to take the job before all of the other workers in our network.
On the other hand, when a worker is not a good fit the best thing to do is ban them after the shift. What that does is make sure they will not be able to see any of your future job posts on the app. Don't feel bad as there are many jobs posted to our app every day and always plenty of opportunities to go around. We want to make sure you are getting the best staff possible and these 2 buttons are some of the best ways to make sure that keeps happening!
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